13 Ways to Avoid the Great Reset - As Long As Possible

- Our Natural Remedy Series Online https://player.vimeo.com/video/383851558

- Our Natural Remedy Series DVD https://www.anchorpointfilms.com/dvd/...

- I believe this book by Agatha Thrash MD is hands down the best book on natural remedies and healing.
This is an associate link. If you buy it I get a small cut but it costs you nothing extra.

It is a bit expensive but it would be worth it. I have personally bought two copies. One we gave away and we bought another.
It is a treasure trove of material on almost any subject you can think of.

- 15 Jobs to do while living in the country - https://youtu.be/tZGxWLOc77Q
- How to pay off your mortgage or car faster https://youtu.be/kCKRM_GsQbA